Isa, Angelina, and Anna on the ferry ride over.
Ashleigh added in for good measure.
of the team.
spectacular day in the background.
less than half of potential parkgoers make
it through.
on the ferris wheel. For whatever reason, I
find them (initially) to be much more terrifying
than you'd expect. Especially the one at
California Adventure in LA.
entire midway.
was scared of heights only after we had reached
the top.
wishing it hadn't been closed.
Anna poses on her horse. I was on a chicken.
Named 'im Fluffy II.
the carousel. Angelina wanted me to make note
that her horse also had a tiger on its chest.
calling it cotton candy. Also, delicious. I had one
bag and one stick of it.
she got her princess tiara.
called dodge 'ems. Regardless of what it's called,
it combines two of my favorite things: driving
and competitiveness.
in the green car seems slightly racist.
she was unsure if the wheel was meant to be
on the left or the right. It was in the middle.
simplest things in life that are the best.
soaked up the sun for a little while. What a
great way to spend a Friday afternoon.
giant spinning platform. Everyone sat in the
middle and tried to be the last one on. I won.
I told you I was competitive. I also may or may
not have bent the rules a little.
the thud of people walking into walls. What was
not amusing was that it was me.
than it actually is.
It spins around and then becomes vertical. You
are in a cage. With nothing holding you down
except centrifugal force. Didn't always work.
Against my better judgement, the last ride we went on was one of those pirate ship rides that goes back and forth, and eventually upside down. Ok, fair enough. Anna and I got on and there was a small kid in the row behind us. He seemed calm enough. The second the ride started, he began screaming. No, screaming is not an appropriate word. He began screeching like a Nazgûl. I spent most of the ride turned around trying to talk him down. He eventually went quiet. Or into shock. I'm not sure which. Either way, I felt ridiculously ill afterward.
All in all, aside from the woozy ending, it was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. I'm just thankful I didn't end up spewing pink all over the place.
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