This trip back from the states was a bit unique, in the sense that I had a couple of extra passengers with me on the flight - my dad and my brother. My brother is actually going to stay with me in Sydney for a couple of months before making his way to Indonesia for another 6 months, and my dad was taking advantage of cheap flights to SYD and making a mileage run, only staying for a couple of days. My dad showed Brady around a little bit while I was working and helped him get settled a bit. Had a pretty good time with both of them here.

Brunch at Cafe XXII (naturally).

We took a walk around the CBD the first day.
Dad and Brady standing in front of Archibald
Fountain at Hyde Park.

If lore is to be believed, there is a pot of gold
and a drowning leprechaun on the left side
of the fountain.

Wandering through the Botanical Gardens, we
came across a couple of rainbow lorikeets in the

Thousands upon thousands of bats hang out in
the gardens during the day - chittering, sleeping,
flying occasionally. The trees are full of them.

A flock of cockatoos (flockatoo?).

They were pretty tame - this one let me get
close enough to put a tiny saddle on it.

Couldn't have asked for nicer weather.

Brady in search of sea critters in the rocks along
the park.

Dang - I thought we just had really good parking
karma. I guess there's a reason no one else
parked there.

Enjoying pints and pies at the Lord Nelson.
They brew their own beer, which is delicious.

Cockle Bay doesn't normally look like this -
apparently it was some annual boating expo
that week. Sucks to be the guy moored in the
1 comment:
Both of our boys are in Sydney! Thank you for the post card. Our first one.
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