If you're a loyal reader, you'll recall that I was just home for 3 weeks. Well, during that trip, I was informed of another business trip back to California...
...2 weeks after returning to Sydney from my previous trip.
I was predicting all sorts of jet lag messed-up...ness. And writing this now, after both trips, I can say my predictions were correct.
That's the only complaining you'll hear from me, though - I love traveling, I don't mind flights, and this recent trip back was a blast.
The purpose of this little jaunt across the pond was to bring together all of the L&D representatives from the JAPAC (Asia-Pacific) region with the Google University team in Mountain view to get cross-trained on some courses, share best practices, promote synergy, and determine a more global direction for the team. Also, this was the first time any of the JAPAC folks had really been able to meet in person, since we're all so spread out. That was fun too.
Ok, I think that's all the business talk - on to the fun stuff.
While they did have quite a packed agenda for us while we were there, the trip was not without its share of fun teambuilding moments. Halfway through the trip, we had a Saturday team offsite, which kinda came together at the last minute. The rough agenda was basically to head up to
iFly and do some indoor skydiving (yeah, it's a very brief fall), and then drive over to Dolores Park in San Francisco for a lovely picnic lunch. What follows are the true chronicles of what happened.

Masa, SH, and Geeta at iFly before the dive.

After a brief...briefing, we got suited up in our
totally wicked knee / elbow pads, jumpsuits,
helmets, and goggles.

Sam and Carson - Wonder Twin powers,
activate! Form of...severe eye damage
from light overexposure!

You're essentially thrown into a giant vertical
wind tunnel for a minute at a time. It's a
but awkward at first, but once you get used
to it, it's awesome.

My official photo from iFly. Note the extreme
abundance of jowliness. *insert flapping sound

Goggle-lined and hair going in every direction
except the right one, folks were all in high spirits
after the session.

The drive from Union City to SF was about as
exciting as such drives can be. Waiting to cross
the bridge reminded me exactly what I didn't
miss about California.

After arriving in the city and finding the elusive
parking garage that I like so much, we settled
down in the park. Couldn't have asked for
better weather.

Li-Ming, Woori, and Masa chow down on
sandwiches in the sun.

Because it was such a nice day, the park was
packed. Great for people-watching / hipster-

My Brit-turned-Aussie teammate Will, not
smiling nearly as much as he should be on
such a great day.

Sam warily eats her sandwich, which does nothing
to hide the thinly-veiled look of mischief.

A few people were kind enough to wait in
the line for Bi-Rite ice cream (which snaked
around the block) for the rest of us. Paul
enjoys his, cone in hand.

Nothing completes a day like a delicious ice
cream. Well, except for maybe a milkshake. Or
candy. Or perhaps some sort of tasty cookie.
Or cake.
The second week we were there, we arranged a team BBQ on campus, for yet another opportunity to bond. Like the rest of the time before it, we had a great time.

We all got gifts - giant red Google beach towels!
Perfect for grass lounging.

Dinner was spectacular - ribs, chicken, potato
salad, and make-your-own wedge salad.

S'MORES. The quintessential American summer

Steph and Eloise - a couple of our European
L&D counterparts who were also in town.
All in all, the time getting to know the rest of the global team was spectacular. Despite what the pictures would lead you to believe, we got a ton accomplished, and it was a fantastic opportunity to spend time with them.