Proof at last!
Yeah, I can't express how overjoyed I was to stumble upon this delightful little juxtaposition. Yes, that is a dingo. And yes, that is a baby. A sleeping, unsuspecting baby. It really is the little things in life...
This was from my most recent visit to the Australian museum last Sunday - an overwhelming collection of all things science-y. There were skeletons of dozens of different animals. There was a massive display on Aboriginal art and artifacts. There was a mineral display the likes of which I have never seen before in my life. There were corridors filled with more stuffed birds than you can shake a 10-foot didgeridoo at, not to mention all sorts of spiders and other creepy-crawlies. There was even another display promoting all of the critters in Australia that can lead to your swift and moderately-uncomfortable demise. The latter at least made your untimely death interesting. There was a large, touch-sensitive table with various environments being projected upon it (water, desert sand, etc). When you interacted with the environment (disturbing the water, for example), it summons some sort of dangerous beastie to attack you - in this case, a great white shark appears out of the deep and makes a tasty meal of your 'arm.'
Oh, but the education doesn't end there! The program then continues on to inform you of what action you should then take (for the shark attack, it tells you that you are likely experiencing massive blood loss and should apply pressure to the wound, unless that wound is your torso, in which case you will probably need more than one set of hands).
Other delightful injuries include being stung by a box jellyfish, being stung by a blue-ringed octopus, being bitten by an inland taipan, being bitten by a redback spider, being eaten by a saltwater crocodile, or being stung by a horde of killer bees. I was enthralled.

The front of the Australian Museum.

This was from my most recent visit to the Australian museum last Sunday - an overwhelming collection of all things science-y. There were skeletons of dozens of different animals. There was a massive display on Aboriginal art and artifacts. There was a mineral display the likes of which I have never seen before in my life. There were corridors filled with more stuffed birds than you can shake a 10-foot didgeridoo at, not to mention all sorts of spiders and other creepy-crawlies. There was even another display promoting all of the critters in Australia that can lead to your swift and moderately-uncomfortable demise. The latter at least made your untimely death interesting. There was a large, touch-sensitive table with various environments being projected upon it (water, desert sand, etc). When you interacted with the environment (disturbing the water, for example), it summons some sort of dangerous beastie to attack you - in this case, a great white shark appears out of the deep and makes a tasty meal of your 'arm.'
Oh, but the education doesn't end there! The program then continues on to inform you of what action you should then take (for the shark attack, it tells you that you are likely experiencing massive blood loss and should apply pressure to the wound, unless that wound is your torso, in which case you will probably need more than one set of hands).
Other delightful injuries include being stung by a box jellyfish, being stung by a blue-ringed octopus, being bitten by an inland taipan, being bitten by a redback spider, being eaten by a saltwater crocodile, or being stung by a horde of killer bees. I was enthralled.

The front of the Australian Museum.

Elephant skeletons are especially creepy when
they are lit from below.
Hi-ho silver! Think this is amusing? Just wait.
It gets better.
Proof that Australia has a fantastic sense
of humor. Note the skeletal bird, as well as
the skeletal cat catching the skeletal rat in
the background. Awesome.
they are lit from below.

It gets better.

of humor. Note the skeletal bird, as well as
the skeletal cat catching the skeletal rat in
the background. Awesome.
Have a great night.
1 comment:
Carson, we're really enjoying you updates. Thx, Jim
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