Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sculptures by the Sea

Every year, to appease the malevolent sea gods, Aussies set up a series of sculptures along the wonderful coastline walkway leading away from Bondi to the adjacent beaches. Some of these sculptures are really quite cool, and it would appear that no one has yet taken my suggestion to create a full-scale papier-mâché replica of Godzilla that rises out of the sea. Maybe next year.

The display is free of charge, as long as you don't need descriptions of the art pieces. The program is extra, and presumably the funding goes toward the sea god tactical missile defense system. Presumably.

So, without further delay, I present to you a few of the cooler pieces featured along the walk.

Here we see a local custom: chumming the
water with surfers.

Whether this sculpture was meant to be a frame
or not, I used it as one. Some artist is pulling out
their hair somewhere and screaming 'Nein! Nein!
You are schupposed to view ze whole sching!'

You can't make it out that well, but there is a
rainbow arcing in from the left side of the image.
Lennon would have been proud.

This is basically holding the earth together.
If you remove the stitches, we all die. You'd
think they would have it roped off, or

They released the hounds on some little kid
who was messing with the stiches.

These guys had been painted to look like oxidized
bronze, and had been holding each other up for

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