Saturday, August 23, 2008


Last night as I lay in bed, I heard what initially sounded like gunfire. After a second or so, it became clear that it was not, in fact, a riot in the city streets below - the flashing colors through my curtains made that quite clear. I hopped out of bed, and ran out to my balcony. No more than a quarter of a mile away right down on Darling Harbor, they were having a fireworks show. Being on the 24th floor with a clear view of the harbor, I had the perfect seat.

The reason as to why they were having such a show is still unknown to me - I will ask around - however, my initial assumption is that it was to celebrate my landmark discovery of a tasty snack called Burger Rings. I will let you know if this is not the case.

At any rate, enjoy the show.

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